Why Birds Matter
Date: May 17, 2014
Location: Ducks Unlimited Market Lake Ranch adjacent to Market Lake Wildlife Management Area (See map and directions) near Roberts, Idaho.
Hosts: Jointly hosted by Ducks Unlimited Inc., Audubon Society, Idaho Master Naturalists, Friends of Camas Refuge, Idaho Department of Fish and Game, US Fish and Wildlife Service, US Forest Service, and Bureau of Land Management.
Schedule of Events
Early AM-Recreational Birding at Nearby Hotspots:
Individuals head out and bird at their leisure. Record your observations to share with other participants during lunch at the Market Lake Ranch.
9:00 AM-Market Lake Ranch Open to the Public:
Area biologists and naturalists will be on hand with displays/information , birders will be on hand to take beginning birders on birding walk or accompany you to Market Lake WMA.
DECOY CARVING: Learn the history and purpose of waterfowl decoys as you watch master carvers produce handmade decoys throughout the day.
10:00 AM- Especially for Kids and Those New to Birding:
Learn how to identify birds, go on a bird walk with a local birder, attract birds to your yard and build a bird house with expert help from Home Depot . Binoculars and tools supplied for the kids.
11:30-1:00PM-Free lunch:
Hamburgers, hotdogs, and chips. Donations gladly accepted.
1:00 PM –Live Bird Presentation from Teton Raptor Center:
Enjoy a unique, up-close, arm’s length learning experience with LIVE raptors-featuring hawks, falcons, eagles, and owls. Learn about traits of raptors, adaptations of diurnal and nocturnal raptors, fables and stories about raptors, local birds of prey, predator and prey relationships, conservation issues, and more from Teton Raptor Center. A special presentation by Program Director and Master Falconer, Jason Jones. Don’t miss the opportunity to see the falcon in flight.
Free Guided Tours (Donations Accepted)
SPECIAL TOURS: In conjunction with the activities taking place at the Ranch, four special tours are offered to provide access to areas typically closed to the general public. *Tours are by reservation only and limited to 12 persons per tour.* Call or email Brian Wehausen to register. E-mail is preferred. (brian_wehausen@fws.govor 208-241-5410). Tour donations gladly accepted.
South Fork Snake River
Venture onto the South Fork for incredible birding, particularly songbirds, and raptors such as osprey and great gray owls. This tour will be led by birder and Fish & Game biologist Rob Cavallaro, who will talk about the conservation values of our wonderful river.
Capacity: 12 people
Market Lake Wildlife Management Area
This tour will venture into areas normally closed to the public this time of year. It will give a better view of colony nesting species and a plethora of other wildlife on the WMA. This tour will be led by master birder, Darren Clark.
Capacity: 12 People.
Camas National Wildlife Refuge
Tour the difficult to reach Sand Hole Lake, the only lake on the Refuge with permanent water. Refuge Manager Brian Wehausen will show you waterbirds, songbirds, and raptors while explaining the workings of the Refuge.
Capacity: 12 People
Mud Lake Wildlife Management Area Canoe Tour
Adventure with WMA manager Curtis Hendricks as you explore Mud Lake by canoe. You will ply the shores of this wildlife haven to look for colony nesting birds, bald eagles, and shorebirds. Much of this lake is closed to visitation during this period making this a unique opportunity. You must have your own canoe or come with someone who has one. Capacity: 12 People (6 Canoes)
Contact Brian Wehausen to reserve your spot! Brian_whausen@fws.gov or call 208-241-5410 (email preferred)
Directions to Ducks Unlimited Market Lake Ranch
From Idaho Falls, travel north on Interstate 15 for approximately 18 miles to Roberts, Idaho. Take the Roberts Exit east onto East 627 North. Drive to North Bassett Road (North 2880 East). Turn north on North Bassett and travel through the town of Roberts for approximately 1.75 miles to the Diamond Road (East 800 North). Turn Left (west) onto the Diamond road and cross over Interstate 15. The DU Market Lake Ranch headquarters (formerly Western Wings property) is on the left. Camas NWR, Market Lake WMA, and Mud Lake WMA are easily accessible from this location.
May 17, 2014
Migratory Bird Day
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