We received a second CHC grant in 2014, in the amount of $65,200, to complete the pavilion. A formal dedication of the Nancy Maxwell Conservation and Education Pavilion took place at the Annual Members Meeting, September 12, 2015.

The Friends of Camas NWR group is grateful for the support it has received from granting organizations.
From the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, we received a Start-Up Grant of $3800 to develop a logo, create a web page, and make materials available (e.g. decals, brochures, hats and shirts) to enhance outreach efforts and increase membership.
From the CHC Foundation, we were awarded $15,000 for the first phase of construction on an Outdoor Education Pavilion. Ultimately, this will be a fully covered, open-sided pavilion with sliding panels allowing for additional protection from the elements when needed. The pavilion will provide a place for educational programs to be held by various groups, such as the Boy Scouts of America, Master Naturalists, and others who meet at Camas NWR. For details of the pavilion design and construction, click HERE.